A downloadable game

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Think you've mastered all that Shadowdark has to offer? Get ready to crank it up to eleven with "Shadowmaster." This isn't just an expansion; it's a revolution that transforms the ordinary into the epic, breathing life into every character's story.

Dive into the quirks and flaws that give your characters depth and a touch of hilarity. Picture a warrior grappling with a "Nagging Conscience," or a rogue who's a "Pack Rat," irresistibly drawn to shiny objects. These aren't mere traits; they're the plot twists in your character's saga.

But there's more. Explore new ancestries that redefine character creation, from the whimsically reincarnating Pixie-Fairy to the battle-hardened Gnome Titan. Each ancestry offers a unique lens to experience the Shadowdark world.

And the classes? They're a total treat! Embody the charismatic Knight Errant, adding allure to weapon damage, or become a Battle Mage, whose spells could alter the course of battle. Perhaps the silent, deadly ways of the Assassin or the divinely-powered Chosen One align more with your style.

Brace yourself for the Critical Hit and Fumble Table, where every roll teeters between glory and disaster, turning battles into a narrative extravaganza of critical triumphs and comical blunders.

For the brave souls venturing beyond level 10, the HackClasses like the Champion and Phantom await, ready to elevate your status to legendary in your quests.

"Shadowmaster" transcends the typical RPG experience. It's an invitation to a world brimming with drama, comedy, and serendipitous twists. Ready to elevate your Shadowdark RPG characters from the mundane to the memorable? Seize your dice and embark on an adventure where every choice carves your path to greatness, every battle weaves a saga, and every character becomes a legend.

The path to immortality beckons. Are you ready to make your mark on the annals of Shadowdark? Let the adventure begin!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

ShadowMaster.pdf 15 MB
CCWorksheet.pdf 68 kB
ShadowMaster - updated crit table.pdf 1.3 MB

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